Why is this beach closed today?
Save the Harbor/Save the Bay has asked ACASAK Consulting to install rain gauges and other sensors to better understand the factors that affect water quality on the Boston Harbor region's public beaches from Nahant to Nantasket.
The rain gauge at Kings Beach was the first device installed in August 2016. It was used for a preliminary study of the relationship between rainfall and beach water quality at King's Beach in Lynn and Swampscott. An additional rain gauge at the top of the watershed near Foster Pond and two depth sensors in the Lynn and Swampscott Kings Beach sewer outfall pipes were installed in April 2017. Water sampling was also begun in April 2017 at 5 locations on the beach: in each pipe, in the combined Stacey Brook discharge, and in the surf at Eastern Ave and Pierce Rd. The data can be retrieved below. For real-time sensors, it will be updated every hour, and for manual sensors it will be updated every couple weeks.
Thanks to Save the Harbor/Save the Bay, the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs and the MWRA for their support of this project.
Note that this project is on hold at the moment, and the rain gauges need a software update in order to be reliable. Without the software update, the data is patchy, with missing time-periods.
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