MassWateR is a package of R functions that has been developed to help water quality monitoring organization in Massachusetts manage their data. It provides tools and templates for conducting quality control of water data, analyzing water data, and submitting data to the centralized EPA WQX database. It was developed under the direction of the Massachusetts Bays National Estuary Partnership by a team made up of Marcus Beck (Tampa Bay Estuary Program), Jillian Carr (Mass Bays), and Ben Wetherill (ACASAK Consulting).
Samples of analysis output:
Samples of the QC Report output, which has been approved by Mass Department of Environmental Protection as a standard QC Report template:
More information about MassWateR can be found in the GitHub website for the package, including instructions, resources, and function descriptions.
Peer-reviewed PLOS ONE journal article - "MassWateR: Improving quality control, analysis, and sharing of water quality data"