ACASAK Consulting - consulting, deployment, and data analysis services to support any water or environmental monitoring project.

Monitoring environmental conditions with sensors can produce huge amounts of data. Analyzing this data is often overlooked or put off indefinitely because it can be tedious and complicated. I am an expert in environmental data analysis. I can provide statistical analyses or GIS-based geospatial mapping of the data. And, I can organize and summarize the data to help you answer the management questions you are asking.

Discrete sampling of water quality with in-situ sensors or with bottles for lab analysis is the backbone of all water quality monitoring. It is necessary for most long or short term monitoring programs and it is critical for quality assurance of continuous monitoring sensor deployments. However, it is not as simple as simply sticking a probe in the water or collecting some water with a bottle. I have years of experience running water quality monitoring programs, and I can ensure that samples are collected in a quality assured way and measurements are taken with accurately calibrated equipment.
Continuous monitoring in rivers and bays

Long term monitoring of conditions in the water involves many challenges, from bio-fouling of equipment to severe weather stresses to finding a secure base for electronics to securing sufficient power. I have experience building buoys with researchers at UMass Boston for the strong weather and fouling conditions of Boston Harbor, and I can construct shore-based installations for the most remote locations. I specialize in installations that can automatically send data to the web via radio, cellular, or satellite telemetry.
Web automation of real-time data and models

How do you plan on using your data? Do you want to publish it to the public on the web, or will you run it through a model to make and share predictions of other natural phenomenon? I love organizing data and setting up systems to communicate real-time information to the public. I can help you build models and publish the results of the models on the web. I am available to provide any data analysis or data automation services in support of coastal and wetland environmental monitoring.

Who doesn't want to know local weather conditions? Weather conditions are always changing. They are a driving force for many natural phenomenon. And weather conditions can be very localized, meaning that more weather stations are needed to monitor local conditions. It is very easy to set up a real-time web-connected weather station anywhere. Keeping up with the maintenance is not so easy. I can help you design your installation and I specialize in keeping costs down and streamlining the data flow.
Based in Boston, MA and serving the New England area. Every project is fun, interesting, and unique. Success in environmental monitoring requires a custom hands-on approach with a focus on detail.